
Student Accommodation in the UK (ENGLISH VERSION)

Where do you live when studying abroad? Do universities in the UK offer student housing? How much does student accommodation cost? Did you know that as a Swedish student, you are guaranteed on-campus accommodation for the first or all your years studying at most of our UK universities? You will need to apply by the housing application deadline, and of course the best student accommodation in the UK goes first - so that is a good reason to apply early! There are several different student accommodations, price levels and facilities to choose from!

Most students choose to live on campus in their first year. This is social and a fantastic way to get to know students from all over the world! After that, most students choose to move into privately rented accommodation with their new friends. We recommend everyone to live in university accommodation in their first year, as it is a great way to get to know other students (and not just those on your degree).

Learn more about the different options, on-campus accommodation, how to arrange private accommodation and everything you need before applying for student accommodation in the UK via this webinar!

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Visa for European Students who want to study in the UK (ENGLISH VERSION)

Do you want to study in the UK and are wondering if you need a visa? Maybe you have applied to British universities already, or are considering applying to university in London or elsewhere in the UK, but would like to know more about the UK student visa for European students? This webinar recording is about the UK Student Visa for students who will be starting their studies at a British university and are from European countries. We cover everything regarding the CAS, the application process, cost and other practicalities worth thinking about when applying for a student visa.

Did you know that all non-UK students need a visa to study in the UK? How much does a student visa cost? Is it difficult to get a student visa if you want to study in England, Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland? For most European students in the UK, a student visa is now a fact. 

After the UK left the EU, student visas have now become a reality for the vast majority of international students. It is therefore important to familiarise yourself with this process as early as possible, so that you are well prepared when the time comes to submit an application for a student visa. In this webinar recording, we will go through useful information about student visas, when to apply, what you need for the application, costs, and other tips and tricks that can make the process easier. This webinar is suitable for those who have already applied, those who have accepted an offer, but also those who are considering studies in the UK and want to know more about the visa process.

We have the information and tools most people need to be able to go through the visa process without the need for individual follow-up/advice beyond the general information and guide from us. Remember that Across the Pond cannot provide individual advice on your visa application, only certified immigration staff can.  In this webinar recording, you will learn about a number of important points that are good to be aware of when you familiarise yourself with the visa process.

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CSN Support, Scholarships and Costs of studying in the UK (ENGLISH VERSION)

Are you interested in studying abroad and are wondering if you can use the funding from CSN to study abroad? Maybe you want to study in the UK and want to know much funding you will get from CSN? Do you want to know more about costs and financial support?

In this webinar recording, we will take a closer look at the costs associated with studying in the UK. The cost of tuition fees is something to consider when choosing your university. Is the university you have chosen within the limits of what you will be able to get in the form of grants and loans from CSN? CSN is usually the main source of funding for studies in the UK. However, there may be other ways to fund part of your tuition fees. We will look at the different possible ways to fund part of your tuition fees. Are there other scholarship opportunities? Can you work part-time in the UK during your studies? Can I work part-time in Sweden while studying in the UK?

The cost of living in the UK will vary between different geographical areas. You may have heard that London has a higher cost of living than other parts of the UK. But did you know that the cost of living in London is significantly lower than in Sweden for many areas? Is there a difference in house prices in different geographical areas of the UK? Will the standard of accommodation affect the cost?

Are there other practical aspects of studying in the UK? 

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Online fika innan avresa med din studievägledare

Vill du träffa din studievägledare för en "fika online" innan din avresa till Storbritannien? Detta erbjudande gäller dig som ska börja dina studier nästa höst och behöver svar på dina frågor om avresa och studiestart.

Du kan skicka in en förfrågan nedan för att träffa din studievägledare för en 30 minuters diskussion om studierna du snart ska påbörja!

Om du inte har ansökt än, kan du boka ett onlinemöte med din studievägledare.

När du anmäler dig kommer du att få en bekräftelse via e-post och din studievägledare kommer att skicka exakt tid och plats via e-post. En påminnelse kommer också att skickas i förväg från studievägledaren.


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Onlinemöte med en studievägledare

Boka ett onlinemöte med en studievägledare på Across the Pond för mer information angående studier i Storbritannien!

  • Se till att boka mötet minst 2 dagar i förväg
  • Om du vill prata via Skype, se till att ditt Skype fungerar som det ska och att du har kontaktat din studievägledare innan mötet börjar för att undvika att förlora värdefull mötestid 
  • Om du inte använder Skype och föredrar att prata via till exempel Teams, ange det i "Skype-ID"-fältet så ordnar vi att du får en möteslänk via Teams (du behöver inte ha en Microsoft Teams-användare)

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